RestExpress Still Top Performing MongoDB REST Framework

Benchmark resultsRound six of the Web Framework benchmarks were published on July 2, 2013, which show RestExpress 0.9.2 as still the best performing REST Framework against MongoDB (2.2.4) for single-query, CRUD-style operations.  At 63,209 responses per second on an i7-2600K (with 8GB memory) and 7,547 responses per second on an AWS EC2 m1.large instance, it ranked 10th and 11th respectively, overall.  But was the highest-ranked framework using MongoDB as it’s back-end store.

Another test, which makes 20 queries per request, showed RestExpress to also rank well for MongoDB-backed services, ranking top the list for EC2 and second only to NodeJS on the i7.

As RestExpress 0.9.2 is using Netty 3.6.x, it’s conceivable that there will be significant performance increases realized when the upgrade to Netty 4.0.x is completed. But the performance numbers are still very encouraging.

Read the full report here…